Sunday, September 30, 2012

Interpretation of the Sexual Urge - Session II of Love and Responsibility Discussion Group

In this session we talk about the Sexual Urge being much more than just an animal instinct but a whole orientation of the person of the man toward the person of the woman.  The urge, rather than determining a person's freedom actually is just the context of it, or the arena in which man finds himself.

There are several interpretations of the sexual urge.  The religious interpretation is that it is the very work of God himself to bring forth life, love, and happiness for us.  The rigorist interpretation tells us that it is to be used to procreate and prolong the species enduring pleasure as a necessary evil.  The libidinistic interpretation tells us that it is to be used and persons as well to get as much pleasure as possible, even if this means limiting the life giving capacity of sexual intercourse so as to allow man to have as much pleasure as he can have.  The truth is that never can a person be used either for creating life or for mere pleasure, but the sexual urge is to be interpreted as a gift that we much guard and cherish.

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