Thursday, March 24, 2011

SESSION 1: Introduction & The Analysis of the Verb "To Use"

Fr Samuel Medley, SOLT, Gives the Introduction and Speaks on "The Analysis of the Verb 'To Use'

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Fr Samuel Medley, SOLT is a Professor of the Theology at Our Lady of Corpus Christi, where he is a formator for SOLT Seminarians. He also teaches high school at John Paul II High School. He enjoys very much teaching toddlers how to pray and adore the Eucharistic Jesus in the Our Lady Loves You Formation Program.

Listen to his homilies here. View his notes and presentations here.

The Glory Estate Opens for Session 1

The Glory Estate recently Published their first album, "Fading into the Light."

You can listen to their music here on MySpace.

You can purchase their music here on iTunes.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

SESSION 2: Interpretation of the Sexual Urge

Matthew Moore Speaks on "The Interpretation of the Sexual Urge"

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Matthew Moore is a Professor of Philosophy at Our Lady of Corpus Christi.

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Alexis Saski is a local up-and-coming artist. She will be signing on a Christian Music label soon and we look for more great things from her.

You can listen to more of her great music here:

SESSION 3: Metaphysical Analysis of Love

Dr John Purk, DDS, Speaks on "The Metaphysical Analysis of Love"

Bookmark and Share This is Part One. Scroll down to view Part Two.

Dr John Purk is a lay member of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity
and on the advisory committee of the United States Council of Catholic Bishops.
He has been teaching Theology of the Body and Love and Responsibility
for over thirty years.

You can find his outline of Love and Responsibility here:

You can tune into his radio program "Religion on the Line" Sundays 6-8am CDT here.

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Revelation 101 Opens for Session 3

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Revelation 101 is a local pro-life rock band from the Corpus Christi Area.

You can see more of their music at:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

SESSION 4: Psychological Analysis of Love

Fr Thomas Loya Speaks on "The Psychological Analysis of Love"

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Fr Thomas Loya, the Pastor of Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church, is a nationally renowned speaker of the Theology of the Body.

He has two radio shows: A Body of Truth and Light of the East, which you can view here:

He is available for talks and retreats:

Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 10:30am - 12pm CST

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Mason and Crystal are part of One Step Closer, a local band that plays at Ingleside, TX.

Monday, March 21, 2011

SESSION 5: Ethical Analysis of Love

Steve Pokorny Speaks about the "Ethical Analysis of Love"
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Steve Pokorny is the director of Theology of the Body Ministries.

He is the Associate Editor for Theology of the Body Channel for CatholicExchange.Com

He the Associate Director for the Office of Marriage and Family Life and Natural Family Planning for the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

Daddy Vic and the Drew Flu Open for Session 5

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More from Daddy Vic and the Drew Flu can be viewed here:

Saturday, March 19, 2011

SESSION 6: Rehabilitation of Chastity

Sr Anne Marie Walsh, SOLT, Speaks About "The Rehabilitation of Chastity"

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Sr Anne Marie is the General Sister Servant of the SOLT Sisters

She speaks regularly on the Theology of the Body and is an expert on Christian Womanhood, particularly the teachings of Venerable Pope John Paul II, Mulieris Dignitatem.

Natalia Canales and Josh Garza Opened up for Session 6

Hear more from the angelic voice of Natalia Canales.

Hear more amazing classical guitar from Josh Garza on MySpace and Youtube.

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SESSION 7: Metaphysics of Shame and Problems with Continence

Joe McClane the "Catholic Hack," talks about Shame and Continence
We are sorry that, due to problems with an internet connection, we did not get the whole webcast recorded, but look soon for the MP3 downloadable episode on iTunes.

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Joe McClane is a Catholic Evangelizer who has a podcast called, "The Catholic Hack." He is also the national coordinator for the Fullness of Truth Conference, which is coming to Corpus Christi July 17-18, 2010.

Here is T.J. Tomazin, praising the Lord:

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

SESSION 8: Vocation

Sr Helena Burns FSP Talks about Vocation

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Sr Helena Burns is a Sister in the Congregation Daughters of St Paul

She runs a blog called, Hell Burns where she does movie reviews and gives commentary on Theology of the Body, culture, art, film, etc.

Here is a clip of the Play, Love Set Ablaze.

It was written by Elizabeth George, who in her theology class wrote it as a catechism of vocational discernment.

She is also the inspiration of this whole lecture series.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

SESSION 9: Marriage

Ann Craig Talks about Marriage

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She is the mother of 10 (3 already are with the Lord) and happily married to Steve Craig.

Here is the Craig Family Choir, with one adopted SOLT Sister

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Monday, March 14, 2011

SESSION 10: Sexology and Ethics

Hope Gillis Talks about "Sexology and Ethics"

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Hope Gillis has worked in many different locations and with a wide variety of people including the people of the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation in Belcourt, North Dakota and the students of Our Lady of Mt Carmel High School in Belize, Central America.

Heath Garcia and Jason Benevides sing Praise and Worship.

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