Friday, January 25, 2013

Theology of the Body at Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy

This talk was given on Thursday, January 25, 2013 to a group of students at the Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy.  It is the second of a two part series, the first of which was given by Robert Colquhoun, the head of 40 Days for Life in the UK, a prayerful and peaceful way of witnessing the dignity of life.

We discuss the psychological and emotional underpinnings of the theology of the body's fundamental and explosive statement, that man and woman live in the image of God together as a covenant of communion, like the Blessed Trinity.  In particular, we look at the necessary affirmation of masculine and feminine love of the human person that can only come about by a one-man, one-woman, permanent, exclusive, mutual, covenant of communion we call holy matrimony.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Boundaries in Relationships Anyone? Love and Responsibility Session 7: Shame

In this talk, we look at Blessed Pope John Paul II's book, Love and Responsibility's chapter on "The Metaphysics of Shame," which is really about boundaries in relationships.  What is the function of shame?  - to protect and reveal love between man and woman

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Is Chastity Evil? Does it take away happiness, freedom and deep joy, or does it set freedom free?

This is the 6th session of our discussion group on Pope John Paul II's book, Love and Responsibility.

Is chastity evil?  It has been demonized by pop culture as something that doesn't give happiness, freedom, joy, and deep stability.  It is seen as an enemy.  Pope John Paul II attempts to rehabilitate the name of chastity.