Monday, December 17, 2012

The Battle Continues in the UK on the Government's "Shambolic" Method of Pushing a Notion No One Wants: Same-Sex "Marriages"

Archbishop Peter Smith, pictured left, is my Archbishop here in Southwark.  I gladly repost his response to the UK Government's underhanded method to push an agenda of wicked proportions.

Archbishops' statement on the government response
to the same sex marriage consultation

Statement by Archbishop Vincent Nichols and Archbishop Peter Smith on the government response to the same sex marriage consultation. Archbishop Nichols is President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales. Archbishop Smith is Vice-President.
The meaning of marriage matters. It derives that meaning from its function as the foundation of the family. The union of one man and one woman for love and mutual support and open to procreation has over the centuries formed a stable unit we call the family. Marriage is the enduring public recognition of this commitment and has been rightly recognised as unique and worthy of legal protection.
The government has chosen to ignore the views of over 600,000 people who signed a petition calling for the current definition of marriage to stay, and we are told legislation to change the definition of marriage will now come to Parliament.
We strongly oppose such a Bill. Furthermore, the process by which this has happened can only be described as shambolic. There was no electoral mandate in any manifesto; no mention in the Queen’s speech; no serious or thorough consultation through a Green or White paper, and a constant shifting of policy before even the government response to the consultation was published today.
We urge everyone who cares about upholding the meaning of marriage in civil law to make their views known to their MPs clearly, calmly and forcefully, and without impugning the motives of others. We urge all parties to ensure their Members have a free vote. It is not too late to stop this Bill.
Issued 11-12-12
Archbishop Peter has also written an article in The Daily Telegraph of 12th December 2012. It is reproduced in full on the CCEW web site.
He was interviewed by Eddie Mair on Radio 4's PM Programme on 11th December. This is available on BBC's iPlayer until 18th December.
Please click here to listen to the interview - from 8.18 until 14.06.